Often times, we are asked to consult on fundraising projects - usually on short notice, and sometimes in dire circumstances.
In this case, we were in discussion with WOMEN ON THE RISE, and were able to uncover an asset that the organization had created many years earlier -- a community cookbook of tried and true recipes from previous group attendees. The last printed copy was discovered on a bookshelf in the office, a legacy of tastes and community passed forward to the present day. The challenge was to reformat the book from 8x11 and spiral bound (quite costly to reproduce) to a friendlier and more versatile format that the organization could use in ongoing fundraising efforts. We were able to revise, update, and reissue the cookbook in an easier to use eZINE format, just in time for Valentines' Day 2015. Portable, legible, and readily available -- I would encourage you to contact WOMEN ON THE RISE for your copy today! Comments are closed.