BACKGROUND: In Spring 2013, we produced the resulting VEGi (Vertical Edible Gardening Initiative) Manual on how to make your own vertical edible garden from minimal cost materials. DELIVERABLE: An OPEN SOURCE Manual (and PDF) was produced as part of a competitive course in Urban Agriculture at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (with our setup being in the Concordia Greenhouse.) Using consensus project management, and practical AGILE design skills, the project team was able to prototype a hydroponic growing system in a north-facing exposure (with natural light), that was able to produce spinach, strawberries, chives, parsley and bok choi. The resulting manual is available from NEW COLONY FARM, (as a PDF), and the VEGI project continued at Concordia through to Summer 2017, when it was eventually replaced by other projects. If you would like to request a copy of the VERTICAL WINDOW FARM MANUAL (2013), simply complete the following. Comments are closed.